I am a 28 year old female, constant bloating in my stomach. Always stomach pains, ranging from mild to severe, Bowel movements 2-3 times a week. Recently started citrucel pills, to help use the rest room more frequently. however, have been having horrible pains like none I have ever felt before, and Bowel movements of 10-15 little seperate balls. After awaking 4 times in one night from horrible pain, I stop use of the pill around 5 days in. Yesterday I started feeling like I had a bruise on my stomach, on my right side above about 4 inches up from my belly button, but more towards the middle. Now today the pain is still there, more sensitive, and feels as the shape of a circle. You can almost see a circle shape like there is a very faint red ring around it. I have pain in my lower abdominal area due to ovarian cysts ruptureing and issues with PCOS. However nothing like this. In July I had a miscarriage, and got cleared with good Heath via blood work, and external and internal ultrasounds. My menstrual cycle has been off since then, my cycle was due on the 10th, and still has yet to arrive, nd it is the 27th. I took a test on the 24th and it was negative.