Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think it is due to delyed period because of hormonal imbalnce
Consult the gynecologist for better treatment
Following are the causes of your problem:
Excessive stress, Vaginal/pelvic infections, Hormonal imbalance, Dysfunction of ovary/PCOS,
Uterine fibroid, Adenomyosis, Thyroid problem,
Pelvic inflammatory disease, Contraceptive pills used
So I think yous should
consult doctor.
Do the following test
1. Blood test: FSH, LH, Estrogen, progesterone, HCG, Thyroid hormone, ESR, CBC, Blood clotting abnormality
2. Pelvic examination
3. PAP smear
4. USG
5. Hysteroscopy
Take rest
Maintain hygiene
Avoid stress and start relaxation exercise.
Hope this may help you
Wish you good health
Best regards
Dr. Sagar