Hi! My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex three nights in a row the week of december 13th. We did not use any method of birth control and I'm not on any kind either. Since then, I had brown spotting on the 20th and thought that it was my time of the month coming, but i did not have any cramping or anything (which is VERY strange for me). My period was supposed to come on the 24th of december and still has not shown up. My breasts have been extremely full feeling, have been slightly bigger, and my nipples have been sore. Instead of sleeping 8 hrs like I normally need, I have been sleeping 13hrs, and still feel exhausted. I have also had some slight cramping in the middle of my stomach. I have had a lot of clear, or off white discharge, which I have never had before, and I just feel different. I have taken many home pregnancy tests and all have come up negative. I was wondering if I could be pregnant? Last week about 7 days past when my period was supposed to come, I had light pink discharge. I am very confused and don't know how to understand what i'm feeling. Thank you!