During my pregnancy in about October 2012 I noticed a dent like shape in my left leg about an inch or so below my knee cap towards the side of my leg. I had no problems with it but noticed about 2 months after my pregnancy in March 2013 I started to twitch uncontrollably al over my body. I noticed extreme fatigue and started having pain in my forearms and shins. As well as numbness and tingling in my feet hands and shins, also in my back with deep pain in my upper left side of my back. I saw many doctors, including an eye doctor for horrible eye pain, and all of them told me it was anxiety. As about 3 months went on the symptoms had gone away, but I noticed the right side of my body always felt a little different, almost sometimes like it was just hanging there. About 3 weeks ago all these symptoms started up again and I have been experiencing twitching on my lips, dry mouth, and a burning buzzing feeling in my tongue. The indentation on my left leg has doubled in size, and it s on the exact same spot on my right side except much smaller. My breathing has gotten heavy and my body only feels normal when I m at rest. My left leg feels very weak and tired all the time. I am scares that I have als as all the bloodwork and ct scans performed have come back perfect over the last year. I have a family and the fear of als is eating me alive.