Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM virtual Clinic.
I studied your query in all the details put forth by you.
I understood your health concerns about the head lump.
The assymetry caused by this lump is disturbing you quite a lot,it seems.
Cause of the health problems you queried-
As your mom said it to be normal bone,I would advise a
second opinion from your family doctor.
If in case its really a hard lump on sides of your head,get it checked on the following possibilities from your doctor or From ER Surgeon.
This lump could be with following possibilities-
Epidermoid tumour/dermatofibroma(Benign)/desmoplastic tumour(locally malignant)/Sebaceous
Cyst at the side of your head.
Possibility of this lump being cancerous could be ruled out only after
Biopsy with HPR study.
As I don't have any direct photo of the lump / or not many details from you, I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon.
Hence I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon,who would differentiate from other possible causes for the lump in that area.
Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction.
Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at HCM.
Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience ,which would improve my rating for many other visitor's to HCM.
Wishing you fast recovery.
Have a good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Consultant.