I am 27 years old, 5 6 , 185 lbs and haven t been feeling well for a few months now. It started in April when I just began feeling very ran down and always tired. It began effecting my life, as I am a high energy persona and like to work out, but couldn t because all I wanted to do after work was take a nap. A week of so later, the glands under my chin and back of my neck swelled so bad I could hardly turn my head. After being swelled a few days the pain subsided, but the swelling never did. Some days I wake up with swollen glands under my arms which are highly uncomfortable. My biggest worry is a lump behind my left ear (on the hard tissue at the base of the scull) that continues to grow and cause a lot of pressure and headaches. It started out the size of a pea and is now about the size of a nickel, but the shape is irregular. It doesn t feel like a gland, because it is immovable and does not hurt to the touch. The headaches radiate from that spot, making my entire head and neck very painful. The headaches are very dull and almost always there, and speratically become very sharp (comparable to ice-cream headache). Somedays it is like work just to hold my head up. Lately I have noticed headaches and twitching in my eyes as well, which make it hard to focus at work as I work on computers all day. I went to the doctor in May for the swollen glads, they found a lump in my breast and we did a full blood count, mono-test, mamogram, and thyroid test. Everything came back normal, but the mono test had said that I have had mono in the past. I am beginning to worry do to the growth and the fact that I just don t feel good at all. My neck and back are also hurting more than normal. Accompanied by the above, I have had problems sleeping, hot/cold flashes, rashes, little skin ulcers that appear on my limbs and don t go away. I just want to feel better...