I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
The symptoms you have mentioned suggest the possibility of a harmless condition called "chalazion".
There is no need to worry because it is a highly curable condition and chances of complications are very less.
It is nothing but a swelling develop due to blocked sebaceous (oil) glands over the eyelid.
Before commencing the treatment we have to rule out some other conditions like sebaceous glands
adenoma and
foreign body granuloma.
I suggest you to consult an ophthalmologist and get the following things done:-
Topical antibiotic drops can be instilled at initial stages of acute infection but it does not cure the condition.
2.warm compress over the affected area provide symptomatic relief.
3.If the size of the swelling is small
steroid injection can be tried to reduce the size of the swelling.
4.Definitive treatment is by surgical excision of the swelling.It's a minor procedure and take around less than half an hour time and no need to worry regarding it.
Biopsy of the excised specimen may be needed to make a correct diagnosis.
If you have repeated history of chalazion check your vision to rule out refractive errors.
Hope this information helps.
Wishing you good health.