For the 2nd time in my life, out of no where this very large lump appears on the left side of my neck, right under my jaw. There was no pain but it is sensitive to the touch. It happened to me about a year or so ago at work. By the time I got to the doctor that same day in the afternoon, the size of the lump had decreased significantly. The doctor said that it was a calcium stone and that it would pass. If it did not pass, it would have to be removed. He told me to chew gum, suck on lozenges or candy, drink through a straw. That evening, I could feel there was something there. In a day or so, it did pass. Well, it happened again last night after I got home from the gym. At first, it wasn t there, then all of a sudden, I looked in the mirror and there it was. I can t find any info about a calcium stone. What is this and what is causing it?