You seem to be quite worried Lexie.
The history mentioned by you does suggest that it is a bacterial infection. You cannot say whether it is a
staphylococcal infection or any other bacterial infection without doing the culture growth. However, at this stage, it is not necessary also.
If there is no pus formation in the lesion, it can be treated with only antibiotic. However, when you say
blister, it means there is some fluid in it. If it is whitish or yellowish or greenish fluid, it is mostly pus. In that case it will have to be opened to drain the pus and a course of antibiotics for controlling the infection.
You have to find out why this infection has occurred. If you are sexually active then it could be sexually transmitted infection. In such case, along with treatment for you, your partner also needs to undergo investigations and treatment.
If you are still a virgin, this infection most likely because of poor hygiene and/or
hair root infection due to pulling of the hair. In such case you have to take proper hygienic care.
Even though you are on antibiotics, it is better to clip your pubic hair short (not shave) so that the infectious discharge does not pent up in the hair to cause recurrent infection.
Secondly, please give full rest to the sour area. Do not handle it, scratch it or press it. Let the skin breath. Wearing very tight clothes is not advisable, very loose clothes and when you are in house, without underclothes will be better.