Hi, I donated blood yesterday. I havent donated in years. It was a spure of the moment thing. I really hadn't thought about how much I had eaten prior to this. I donated at 2:45pm and had only eatten a banana with peanut butter, 2 hard boiled eggs, slice of cheese & a wheat tortilla. After donating, I was fine. I sat up, went and had juice and cookies. I then drove home, got my daughter in the car (I lift her & she weighs 120#) then I had this feeling of my stomach cramping. I used the bathroom and became overwhelmed with sweats, fatigue, dizziness, diaherrea and nausea. It took me 30mins + to overcome this feeling. I layed down and rested. Went to bed early and woke up and started having diaherrea again, but this time there were large clots of blood. I must of had 3 different times of using the restroom and had blood instead of a stool. After an hour or so, the stools became dark again and have lessen. Its been an hour now I haven't had to use the restroom.
Any suggestions as to what this could be caused from?
I am 44 year old female in good health. I weigh 150# and don't really have any major medical problems. Migraines every now and then.