I am a 63 year old caucaisan male, 5 9 , 193lbs. Have to date been diagnosed with the following: high blood pressure, carcinoid syndrome, chronic kidney disease (stage 4), Type 2 diabetes (on insulin), hyperparathyroidism secondary, narcolepsy, peripheral neuropathy (diabetic nerve pain in bottoms of both feet, pitting edema in both ankles, and Parkinson s disease. Spent two weeks in the hospital in January, the first in intensive care, diagnoses was sepsis, atrial fibrillation, and carcinoid crisis. About to undergo my seventh plastic surgery in last 2 years to close large holes in scalp left by Mohs Surgery to remove large patches of squamous cell cancer. On about 20 different medications inclusive of insulin and sandostatin intramuscular injections, rytary, adderall, lyrica, attenolol, uloric, Klonopin,among others. In recent months have been losing weight slowly, little appetite, and yet my stomach appears more and more bulging...almost distended. Also forgot to mention I have an umbilical hernia yet to be operated on. No pain associated with distended stomach. It s as though the less I eat, the more my stomach bulges out. Any ideas what s going on? My wife, an RN for last 41 years, tells hospital and my many other specialty physicians he s a medical mess . Lest you think I m lazy, I m a sole practitioner attorney, 38 years practicing law, licensed in two states, and still working about 80 hours/week (I m a family law attorney)....talk about stress. Was starting to think about retiring until I came across a list my wife had made of things I could do if retired: laundry, grocery shopping, walk the dogs, etc. What s going on with the bulging of my stomach? I could pass for 6 months pregnant.