A few months ago (late March or maybe April) I had abdominal pain and discomfort an hour or so after eating a cheeseburger and French fries. Since then I have avoided fried or fatty foods. I also stopped drinking soda pop and most sweets, especially chocolate. From then to the present, I have lost 17 pounds and now weigh 140 pounds (5 4 ). At times (May/June) I had decreased appetite and forgot to eat until afternoon. Usually I feel hungry from morning to night. In April I had experienced two occasions of explosive diarrhea. And when I would lie down in bed I had some forceful release of gas. I was gassier than usual. I continued to watch my diet and seemed to improve. I believe it was May or June I started to experience pain just beneath my right ribs which radiated to my back just beneath my right scapula. i tried some kosher salt in tepid water which seemed to help. I continued to have mild or moderate pain under my right lower ribs occasionally. This month (August) I ve been almost symptom free. i guess I thought I was all better, so last night I ate a small piece of chocolate cake rather late. Within an hour (11:30 pm) I felt a cramping in my upper abdomen. It would subside for a little while and then return. Over the next hour or two it became intense, but not constant, pain radiating to my back as well as up to my jaw a couple of times. I paced the floor since moving upright seemed better than lying down; once I thought I might vomit but did not. Finally, around 3 am the pain subsided. I felt better and went to sleep. Today I ve eaten little--some soup, bread and turkey and iced tea and water. I ve had mild pain under my right lower ribs a couple of times this evening. And tonight I did experience some mild chilling and then felt hot for a short time. Also, for the past couple of weeks I ve been itching around my head and abdomen. No new soaps or detergents. (I had a UTI last week and finished taking Bactrim yesterday.). I m otherwise pretty healthy and on no medications. Occasional UTIs have been my biggest problem. Am I now having a gallbladder problem? How bad does it sound? What may cause the itching? I m now red from scratching and I see small bumps like hives mostly on my abdomen and groin area. What s happening to me?