Hi..I have been having stomach issues, with vomiting, sweats, severe abdominal pains (in the middle and right side of my stomach) for over a year and a half. I have been admitted to ER over 6 times and drs are unable to verify what I have. I have been going to a gastro dr, but she too is unable to verify my illness. I recently had my gallbladder removed and symptoms came back 6weeks after surgery, no warning.. it started off with the vomiting for about 2-4 hrs per episode, then threw time it has escalated to 10-12 hrs, to consecutive days per episode. Episodes happens with or without food on my stomach at any given times.. I recently saw an article of Olympic Skater Alexa Scimeca Knierim having the exact issues as me that took surgery to correct, but she never mentions what she was diagnosed with.. I m just looking for any way I can maybe guide my doctor in the right direction to find out my illness. Please help, I can t bare to much more of this pain and not even know what it is.. Thanks