Thanks for your query.
Read your history and understood your problems.
To recapitulate- pain in abdomen for couple of weeks- feeling sick, dizzy and tired. - had black tarry stools a couple of months ago.
I would advise you the following :
-Blood tests particularly for
Typhoid, sugar and
thyroid function tests, Kidney function tests and liver function tests.
-Stool routine, microscopy and for occult blood tests.
Ultrasonography of the abdomen particularly to see for PID-
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, condition of the Fallopian tubes and Ovaries.Any fluid in the pelvis.
-Gynecologist's opinion, internal examination will help to localize the problem.
-Get a course of 5 to 7 days of an antibiotic,
metronidazole, symptomatic and supportive medicines like probiotics and multivitamins.
If Widal is positive you have to take an additional treatment of 3 weeks.
Get a proper clinical examination, investigation to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.