abnormal sensation ofheart beats are medically termed as palpitations
heart beat normal range is from 60bears per minute to 100beats per minute
your heart beat as told by you is a it on higher normal range
when heart produces fast regular heart beat its called as sinus tachycrdia
tachycardia means fast
heart rate,if heart rate is fast but regular we call it
sinus tachycardia..it can be because of abnormal thyoid status ,or anaemia most commonly
if heart beat is irregular or regularly irregular they are called
arrythmia ...much more dangerous then sinus tachycardia
i would suggest you to go for following investigation initiallly
Complete blood profile
t3,t4 and tsh
vitamin b12 levels
your sleep is bad as you said ...raised
anxiety level ...overthinking ..obbsessiveness can also lead to palpitations
as you finish eating the demand of blood in your digestive system increases so heart has to beat faster to pump more blood in that area
from the short history of your anxiety or anaemia needs to be ruled out first