hello, thanks for consultation with HCM:)
As per your history he might be suffering from acute on chronic
there might be many other causes of pancreatitis apart from
alcoholism. like gall stone, increased calcium level, increased lipid levels,Certain medications,
family history of pancreatitis, infection,infstations, previous abdominal sugery etc.also Sometimes, a cause for pancreatitis is never found.in your case AS MRCP, CT abdomen are normal ,there is not any anatomical problem.
my advice will be Choose a low-fat diet. Choose a diet that limits fat and emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein,Drink more fluids. Pancreatitis can cause
dehydration, so drink more fluids throughout the day. Enzymes to improve digestion. Pancreatic enzyme supplements like CAP
creon or PANCREOFLAT can help your food break down and process the nutrients in the foods you eat. Pancreatic enzymes are to be taken with each meal.
thanks for your query:)
thanks ..