Hi a few month ago I split with my partner and slept with a women, I had protected sex but unprotected oral sex, a week went by and I noticed a discharge in my boxers so I left it two weeks and went and got tested at GUM clinic , the tests come back negative, but I noticed I was still leeking i.e clear drop of liquid from penis and I kept checking myself throughout the day sumtimes it s dry but the odd time there would be few drops making my penis head wet so I went bk to clinic and explained my problem and took another test but that came back negative again for clymidia/ghoniria etc but the problem still persists, I m wondering if I ve caught sum other kind infect or is there summit rong inside causing the problems I.e damage tubes etc, sum1 please help as I m very upset n can t sleep as I m worried because I ve got bk with girlfriend and scared id pass sumthing on and she s pregnant :-( please help??