I have read your query and i understand your concern
Its important to rule out organic and physical causes of first . since your said doctors could not find anything physical, let me tell you that gut symptoms are always associated with anxiety and depressive illnesses. I recommend you to go through the following steps
1. Get your BP checked to rule out if you are hypotensive
2. Do H.Pylori test, consult physician if you have symptoms of Irritable bowl syndrome ie
diarrhea and
constipation alternately with abdomen pain
3. When physical causes are excluded, make sure which psychiatric illness you have, whether its anxiety or depression
The symptoms you stated are found both in anxiety and depression. Both diseases have overlapping symptoms. You can say that depression is the top stage of anxiety and its anxiety that kicks on first. If u haven't tried anti-
anxiety medication, take Tab alprazolam 0.25mg 40 mins before going to bed for 8 days. If you have tried it and still it didn't help, come up again in reply so that i may evaluate you for depression. Also
consult Doctor with Specialty in Internal Medicine to rule out certain organic causes such as Irritable Bowl Syndrome and
Dr Nasir Ali