Hi I m 16 years old and currently experiencing varied problems. Firstly, my appetite has been gone for a few weeks although I still eat regularly but I m not enjoying it. Last night I started experiencing throat ache and burning sensations in my throat but no drink made it feel better. It feels like theres a lump into throat and I cough but not constantly. I m suceptable to throat infections and had my tonsils taken out at a young age. For the last 24 hours I have also been experiencing chills and overheating which is rather frustrating. I have very sensetive skin and it hurts, even when something as simple as clothing touches it it s painful and feels like a sunburn and is very tender. I m very tired and find it hard to move or go downstairs so I have been in bed for most of the day, however when I do sit up I get very bad dizziness and I lay back down. My eyes are very puffy and I feel like my ears and throat are swollen, my ear have also popped and I cannot hear properly. I know this is not a common cold and I m in a lot of pain. I ve also been experiencing headaches all night and most of the day, it feels like my head is swollen and it s very uncomfortable. I also have a job interview in 2 days and I need to get better quickly! I m also missing school however it has only Ben one day so far. Thanks for any help! - Lilly Bull