Hi, I have a two year old daughter and the past few months me and my husband have been attempting to conceive our second child. Before we started trying, I began missing periods for months but never becoming pregnant. I had a hormone test done and it came back possibly polycystic and high testosterone. I am currently awaiting results from a transvaginal internal exam too. We have been continuing to try for another baby as planned anyway until I find out my results. From April of this year I have only had 3 periods. I regularly take pregnancy tests with no luck yet. I get aches in my lower back after intercourse and I get sore heads and bad cramps for days in between. Ive been feeling very low on energy, some days my right hip is also very achey, sometimes even painful if moved sharply. First question is, what do you think is the cause for all of this? I am getting impatient waiting on results and I m constantly reading things on the internet about my symptoms and I would go to my own doctor to discuss the matter to put me at ease before results but I m honestly too embarrassed. Secondly, today we had intercourse to try for a baby and a few hours later I had an unusual thick white, with a very very slight pink tinge to it, discharge or mucus, and I wonder how normal that is as ive never had anything that thick before? Thank you.