Hello Dr, I am Ranu Vyas,age 28yrs.,(Homeopathic Dr),from Jaipur,having Bicornuate Uterus with primigravida of single,live foetus of about 11.2 weeks of gestation. LMP-08-02-2011. In my 1st USG of FWB on date-26-3-2011 -- -Single,live,intrauterine conceptus in Left Cornu of Bicornuate Uterus of 6wks 6days+_6days. -A 45x20 mm hypoechoic lesion in myometrium pressing decidua-?Fibroid. -No adenexal mass seen. -Incidently - Unascended Lt. Kidney(maternal). -FHS Present. -FHR 115b/min. In my 2nd USG of FWB on date- 27-4-2011 -- -Single live foetus of abt 11.2wks of gestation. -Bicornuate Uterus with G.Sac in Lt.Horn. -Fibroid size 2.5x2.4 cm at posteromedial subchorionic wall of gravid horn. -Lt.kidney is stationed in lt. iliac region. -Foetal heart pulsation are present. -Foetal movement are seen. -Specific:- Maternal cervix & Internal os appears normal. Other Investigations on date 26-3-2011 -- - Hb.=13.2gm% -Random Blood Sugar=75mg% -Urine Sugar=Nil -Blood group=A1 -Rh typing= Positive -Hep.B Surface Antigen= Negative -HIV 1&2= Negative -V.D.R.L. Test = Non-Reactive. -Free T3= 2.68pg/ml -Free T4= 1.19ng/dl -TSH= 2.95 uIu/ml TREATMENT from 29-3-2011 -- - Inj. Susten 200mg once a week for 4 weeks. -Tab. Susten 200mg OD(orally) for 4wks. -Tab. Folvite 5mg OD for 4wks. TREATMENT from 28-4-2011 -- -Tab. Susten 200mg OD for 1 month. -Tab. Folvite 5mg OD for 1 month. -Cap. Autrin OD for 1 mnth. -Tab. Ossopan 500mg OD for 1 mnth. -Cap. Duvadilan Retard 1 HS Start after 1week for 1 month. P/H- Recurrent UTI after marriage in 21st June,2010.Taken treatment of it recently at 31 march,2011. Investigation Report on date 26-3-2011 -- Urine culture & sensitivity test- Sterile on pyogenic organism