Good evening. My name is Kayla, and I am 18 years old. Exactly 12 days ago, on November 25, I engaged in sexual intercourse with my boyfriend. We DID use a condom, but he fears he may have leaked out. This is because he saw what may have been his own excretions on my outer labia. Though, he said that it was too thick to be mine, but also too thin to be his. Today, I began cramping heavily. I also began bleeding as I would at the beginning of my menstrual cycle. Later, I stopped bleeding. Completely. I got a little concerned as this never happens to me on the first day of my menstrual cycle. Typically, only on the last. I got on the internet and searched WebMD, to find that this is called spotting and could be a sign of pregancy. Of course, you can imagine my concern and fear at this! I am far too young for a child and cannnot afford, even, to be pregnant. But, just a few minutes ago, I resumed bleeding and I ve still been cramping rather heavily. My boyfriend says I shouldn t worry until we know whether or not I m pregnant for sure. I m hoping you might be able to give me some advice, as well as tell me if I might be spotting or actually at the beginning of my menstrual cycle.Thanks!