My boyfriend and I have unprotected sex on November 2nd at night and I was taking Plan B on November 3rd, which is 13 hours after unprotected sex. We have sex again on November 4th and November 5th while using condoms as protection. On the morning of a November 10th, I was having spot bleeding with cramps for the first two days and the bleeding itself lasted until November 14th.
My first question is; what was the cause of my bleeding from November 10 till November 14th? Is it because of the Plan B I was taking or is it due to the process of implantation? Does it mean I'm pregnant?
Not only that, my boyfriend and I also have sex again on November 11st with condoms using as protection. For the last 2 days, I'm being experience with itchy and soreness from the lips of my vigina. I also have a very thick quite muscles discharge since the itchy starting. As of right now, the soreness have gone, but the itchy became unbearable.
My second question is; do I have allergy to the latex condoms that my boyfriend and I was using or do I have yeast infection? I have extremely sensitive skin.
Thank you so much for your help.