Hallow Dear,
Bleeding at any stage of pregnancy is not a good sign. Red blood is a fresh blood and brown blood is old blood which got collected inside and is coming out late.
Usually brown
bleeding during pregnancy indicates that there is chance that baby may be non-viable. Urine pregnancy at this stage will not help since it takes 8-10 days for pregnancy test to become negative. At this stage of pregnancy, non-viable baby means a
missed abortion.
Please get your
ultrasonography done to find out the viability of the baby. If it is missed abortion, you will have to undergo termination of pregnancy at the earliest to avoid complications like heavy bleeding due to clotting disorders (DIC),
Kidney failure, infection, etc. The Obstetrician will decide after clinically examining you and seeing your reports whether your pregnancy can be terminated by medicines or you need surgical evacuation, if needed.
If the baby is viable, please restrict yourself to the bed. Avoid any strenuous work, weight lifting, intercourse, etc. You may then need
Progesterone preparations for stabilizing the pregnancy.
If the baby is viable and you do not have any pain in the abdomen, you have got fair chances to save this pregnancy. Please do not ignore. Follow your Obstetrician's advice religiously and see him at the earliest. If possible, try to get your appointment with the Obstetrician preponed.
I hope this will help you for the time being.
Dr. Nishikant