Hello and welcome to HMC.
It is important to know what stage of
Cervical Cancer was she treated for and what treatment, if she received only
chemotherapy or also radiotherapy.
After this is clear, the bleeding can be originated in
the urinary tract (Blood comming out of the
urethra when urinatig) or the vaginal area, this two types of bleeding are usually confused.
If it comes from the urethra (where urine comes out), she can be experiencing a
urinary tract infection or a long term complication of
radiation to the pelvis (if she received radiotherapy), this bleeding is seen in women that have received radiation therapy for cervical cancer, and is due to an inflammation of the bladder.
if the blood is coming from the vagina then a recurrence of the disease (if she is disease free) or a progression of the disease (if she still has cancer) must be ruled out. She needs a vaginal exploration to see the origin of the bleeding.
Lastly another complication from cervical cancer can be a fistula or communication due to tumoral activity between the vaginal area and urinary tract (bladder or urethra). this will cause bleeding form both zones.
In conclusion the real origin of the bleeding has to be determined and this can be done with a full pelvic and vagina exploration.