Brief answer:
Gingivitis or
Can understand your concern..
As per your complain it seems you have gingivitis that is infection and inflammation of gums or Periodontitis that is inflammation and infection when involves deeper tissues like underlying bone.
In case of gingivitis there is inflammation of gums causing swelling, redness and bleeding from gums.
At times when any one area of gums gets more inflammation bleeding can initiate from it.
Or different areas may be inflamed and any region can bleed at any point of time.
It can occur commonly in case of poor
oral hygiene leading to deposits over the teeth which creates a constant source of infection leading to gum problems.
There can be other underlying medical conditions which can cause gum bleeding are
Oral contraceptives intake can also cause gum bleeding in women.
If the
gum infection is long standing and ignored can lead to bacterial multiplication in the pockets which are formed between the gums on one side and jaw bone on other leading to damage to the bone and further infection goes deeper with bleeding and loosening of teeth..
I would suggest you to see a
dentist soon and get evaluated for the cause of bleeding and treatment can be based on the diagnosis.
In case of gingivitis scaling followed by gum paint can be helpful.
Hope your query is solved..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.