I ve been having some quite bright red bleeding after sex recently and I passed a small clot. The bleeding generally lasts for a day, then turns to a very light brownish discharge, then to a clear/white discharge. I have a 17 week old baby who was SGA, as a result I was induced with one pessary and then a hormone drip. When the placenta was detached (with the aid of the injection) I hemorrhaged but didn t need a transfusion and I also had a large amount of clotting which had to be removed, I also continued to pass a variety of sized clots throughout 2 weeks - some of which were a bit membrane-y but after having been inspected by midwives I was told not to worry about. I had a mirena coil fitted when my daughter was about 4 and a half weeks - so about 3 months ago, and bled for about 4-5 weeks afterwards of varying heaviness. In addition to the bleeding and clot- although it might be irrelevant to any problem - I ve needed to urinate quite frequently, and often felt the need to go and only passed little or no wee. I ve also been experiencing a lot of abdominal pains - some of which have been physically crippling for a small time - however I do suffer from ibs so it s a possibility that it could be to do with that.