I'm 17 years old. For the past 6 months or so, I've had small amounts of blood on the tissue paper after wiping from having a bowel movement. I tend to freak out on the smallest things and so I decided to check every time after that for any sort of sign of blood on the toilet paper or in the stool. The next thing that came out of the blue was some dull belly aches, that are widespread and not allocated in one spot, which lead to me worrying even more. Now recently I've been finding small streaks of bright red blood on my poop, but it's only happened when I strained myself. I know I'm not constipated cause I'm still going 1-3 times a day. I've read all the things about Colon Cancer, but I really highly doubt that's what I have cause people have said it's rare at my age. I have lost a bit of weight, I was at an unhealthy 235 at the beginning of 2010, and now in Feb. 2011 I'm at 207. I have been drinking a lot more water and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, but mostly more fruits. I exercise only a little, like at school and when I walk home sometimes. What is wrong doc?
I've come to an insane conclusion that it could be IBS and an Anal Fissure or Hemorrhoids.