Alright, I am a 5 7 and a half feet tall individual. I am 17 years of age, I weigh 152.6 pounds exact. Have an extremely healthy diet however,recently I have noticed and have even timed it when I am standing for minimum thirty minutes the blood rushes toward my legs turning my shins purple in color and my feet as well. My thighs appear to be fine however. Additionally, when the purplish coloring appears I realize that is from the blood collecting in my legs, it sends a pain to my legs and my veins become prominent on both of my legs. I have a history of diabetes in my family, however, nothing else in the family tree medically relevant. I generally eat very healthy to be even categorized as a diabetic, as well as, I routinely monitor my blood sugar and it goes not match that of a diabetic individual. Anyways, I realize this is a paid website but I was wondering if there was any over the counter medication that I can take to reduce my symptoms as well tomorrow I am going to start exercising again so that ll probably activate my blood flow as well.