Hey. I worked in an elementary school and am in contact with many young students. This past week, a colleague spent some time in my room and stated that that he was going through one of his "typical" round of mouth sores. A few days later, I started getting spots along the sides and under my tongue, which is not common for me. Then, patches of small spots and a couple of blood spots appeared on the inside of my upper and lower lip area. I also noticed a small white area forming on my gum line. At first, I thought this may be "Hand Foot Mouth," but I have no spots forming on the outside of my mouth, hands, or feet. Prior to this, I have been having some issues with bleeding and sensitive gums as well. I did switch to brushing with a homemade chemical free toothpaste, which seemed to help, but ran out and have returned to the general Colgate. Thus, I wondered if it was a fungal/bacterial infection where I need to be more mindful of my oral hygiene as I often go without flossing. Thoughts? Suggestions?