Ya my mom passed away on 1-29-14,, she had been in and out of the hospital a lot and had arthritis,congestive heart failure, and she was diabetic and on a lot of different medications too, but events leading to her doing were I picked her up from dialysis and she complained about her head hurting and had been not able to keep anything down and just a lot of weight loss to and well, at the point before her passing she needed a lot of help in the bathroom and I was lucky to have my gf there at the time and she helped her in the bathroom and to her room and like just maybe a few minutes I went to check on her and had no response and saw some like clear liquid coming outta her mouth and nose with little blood and idk she wasn t breathing or responding and we called 911 and did what they told us until paramedics arrived but they tried for 45minutes and nothing they could do. I just have been trying to figure out what happened I just so confused and lost on it, I mean what was coming outta her mouth and nose?