Hello, I am a 52 y/o female. I have had a complete hysterectomy that included my ovaries. I do not take any HRT. When I was younger I had to have a gland cyst cut open and drained. However I have for years had reoccurring boil type lesions on my labia both inner and outer, that will if left break and drain on their own. Recently, I have also developed something like paper cuts that seep blood, burn, itch and are quite painful. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and that has of course caused problems with my immune system. Some of this sounds like Bechets, but I don t know what kind of dr to as to check for it. My husband I rarely have sex, because it is too painful for me especially after my hysterectomy. The lesions do not seem to be related to sexual activity. I don t have an OB/GYN I can go see, and I don t know what to do to get help. I am on medicare, but do not have a dr or a way to get to a dr.