Hello, i have gone through your query and understood your concern. Swelling on the
glans of penis is not necessarily a boil. There is a higher chance of swelling of foreskin and glans of penis in uncircumcised men. It can be caused by various reasons such as
1. one who does not completely rinse soap after showeing
2. Chronic irritation such as overmasturbation
3. some medications such as laxatives and sleeping pills can cause this condition
4. Other important causes might be
diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases such as
syphilis and trachoma
If u don't fit in first 3 points and you are sexually active, do a fasting blood sugar test. If its normal, see if there is any discharge ie pus from
urethra, if positive, screen for sexually transmitted disease
For the relief of symptoms, apply Topical Cream
Betnovate on area of boil three times a day for 5 days.
I Hope this will solve your issue
Dr Nasir Ali