Hi, I have been on the mirena IUD for 3 years now, and the last 2 weeks I have had very tender breasts, my lower abdomen feels bloated, I have had nausea but it seems to only be at night, and recently smells have been making me so nauseated I can hardly keep down my recent meal.. I have also noticed some white vaginal discharge, and have been so tired lately I can hardly pull myself out of bed, and go about my day without wanting to lay down for a nap. I had some spotting about 3 weeks ago and figured it was just a light period, because I am irregular I also have frequent urination, so I thought I was getting a bladder infection but when I looked it up I have no symptoms other then frequent urination, no burning sensation, its not cloudy, no fever.. I m at a loss I took a pregnancy test just to be sure and it came out negative..