I went to the ER today cause I could not breath, 2 weeks ago went to urgent care for the same thing. They said it was acute bronchitis. Went to normal doc a week later, he said it might be asthma. But I am not wheezing or coughing, chest will tighten out of the blue and I won t be able to breath enough to hold a simple conversation or walk very far. Then I start fading out like I m going to faint and start going numb. That could be anxiety though. Prednisone helped. The ER said x rays were fine, O2 levels are fine, cardiogram was fine and put me on an inhaler and steroids, again. Any ideas? Vocal Chord Issues? Could it be occupational, adult onset asthma? I ve smoked for 6 or seven years, I m 23 and male.