Hello, i was diagnosed with copd around 7 yrs. ago I am a 40 yr. old F. I ve also been on oxygen@ 4-6 liters these past 4yrs. due to the fact that my heart isn t recieving the oxygen fast enough threw my nostral s so I m wearing the face one.Well around 1yr. ago I woke up to like another bby bone feeling ontop of my right rib cage, my doctor sent me to see if it was my gaull bladder& it was only tested looking@ my guall bladder & it wasn t that & so it s just been left alone, last night I woke up vomiting,really light headed,dizzy& the knot,mini kind of rib ontop of my ribs has grown really big & I have another1 on my left rib cage both are under my breast, my back is killing me,I feel as if I m not getting the air that I need@all & I ve turned my oxygen up to 8 & it s just getting harder& harder to breath & cope with the pain even though I m on both phenogryn& marinol due to my constant vomiting for past 10yrs. over my diverticulitus& my bowels not working but maybe 3times per month, so I m@ a stand still on how can I be soo sick,vomiting,light headed& passing out while vomiting because I cannot breath, please what should I do?