I am 22 years old and have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I get sick on the pill so I am not using any birth control and we always use the pull out method. Normally while I am on my period he stays inside and I have never gotten pregnant. We both have had herpes for about the time we have been together as well, I don't know if that has relevance. Last Wednesday night was the last day of my period and all day Thursday I had no period-like symptoms or discharge at all and Thursday night we had sex and he stayed inside. Last night (Friday) I noticed a very very light pink maybe brownish very watery discharge that I had never noticed before. And I noticed it again this morning. I have mild cramping in my abdomen but I'm not sure if that's just my mind working at full speed because I looked online last night and found conflicting answers to what this may be - since each forum you look at is of a different situation. I read something about implantation but it sounded like that wouldn't happen so soon, and I don't know if it's something from the herpes, but I have had it for a long time and never had this symptom, also I am not having a break-out currently. I don't know if this could mean I am pregnant, or if it means nothing at all, but I thought I would try to see if anyone else out there may know. Thanks for any advise you can give!