Thanks for your query.
Noted the history bruised feeling of ribs and stomach, might have p.o.t.s. but there are no other symptoms, drinking only water and have trouble sleeping.
With this short history I would advise you the following:
The bruised feeling can be due to
costochondritis and/or
Anxiety and/or stress can be the most causative factors.get them controlled and you may be fine.
I was wondering about the only water intake, how is possible to sustain only on water. If such is the problems, we have to have the following investigations:
Tests of blood, urine and stool.
Upper GI
CT scan of the whole abdomen as it consists of lower chest too.
Symptomatic treatment in the form of:
PPI like
Omeprazole, Antacid, Motility regulator, activated
charcoal tablets and probiotics to restore the bacterial flora.
Get thyroid functions and Vitamin D tested and get treated if there is a problem in the reports.