i woke up last night to go pee 3 times but never got out of bed, i thought i could wait till i woke up in the morning. In the morning i woke up again so i went to the bathroom and went pee for like 5 sec and felt like i still had to go to the bathroom but stopped and it started to burn i thought nothing of it. I went back to bed but i laid down and it started to burn again and felt like i had to pee so i got up again and tried to pee but only a couple of drips came out and started to burn again. So i went back to bed and the same thing happened so i went to the bathroom and the same thing happen then too. So having a uti in the past i went online and looked if this medicine, Keflex, i had for my toe infection would help with this (the medicine was about 1 month old and i had 9 pills left and am suppose to take it twice a day), according to a few websites it helps with uti s. So i took it and was able to pee for longer but still had the burning at the end. Is that normal?