I have gone through your query and can understand your concern..
As per your complain burning sensation in mouth along with
altered taste as well as dryness in mouth seems to be due to
Xerostomia or dry mouth in which there is reduced saliva flow leading to dryness inside mouth and as saliva is responsible for proper functioning of taste buds deficient production of saliva can lead to altered taste and atrophy or thinning of mucous membranes in mouth causing inflammation and burning sensation..
I would suggest you to consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and he can examine you for the exact cause of dry mouth, of which common conditions are
salivary gland disorders,
nerve damage, side effects of medications,
mouth breathing, oral infections like Thrush etc..
As of now you can chew sugarfree chewing gums as it help in stimulating saliva flow..
You can also gargle with specialized mouthwash that is meant for dry mouth conditions like Biotene mouthwash..
Drink plenty of water..
Avoid spicy food..
To relieve burning you can gargle with a numbing mouthwash containing Lignocaine..
Hope this information helps.
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora