I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain burning sensation after passing stools can occur most commonly due to causes like Anal fissures that is a tear in the anal mucosa..
It can occur due to causes like very hard stools and pressure applied to pass the stools can cause tear of the specialized mucosa of the anus known as Anoderm..
Other causes can be excessive diarrhea, putting an anal thermometer or endoscope etc in the anus..
It can also occur post childbirth..
Other causes can be
Hemorrhoid or piles that occurs due to inflammation of the veins present in the
anal canal and rectum due to chronic irritation like diarrhea or
constipation while other causes can be obesity, vaginal child birth, diabetes etc..
Thank OD is suitable for relieving fissures but you need additional treatment along with it for relief..
I would therefore suggest you to consult an Anorectal surgeon and get evaluated as the exact cause and the severity of the conditions can be ruled out and treated accordingly..
He can investigate clinically as well he can advise you a
Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopyand confirm the cause.
He can advise you treatment that will relieve the underlying cause as well as treat you to relieve the fissure as well as piles..
You can be advised to apply topical anaesthetics like Lignocaine gel as it will help in relieving pain originating from both piles and fissures..
Calcium channel blocker containing
ointments like Diltizem can be advised as it will dilate the blood vessels in the area and improve blood flow that will initiate healing of fissures..
Application of steroid ointment and doing cool compresses can reduce inflammation and burning related to piles..
You can be advised to take stool softeners like Docusate and increase fibre intake that will also smoothen the stool like Psyllium and methylcellulose..
You can also do Sitz bath by sitting in a tub of warm water 2 to 3 times a day especially after bowels..
You can also take painkillers like Ibuprofen if there is pain..
In case of no resolution
surgical treatment can be advised..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.