32 yr old male..little overweight.. was working out about a week ago..doing a "plank" and felt a burning sensation in my lower left abdomen.. no big deal..went away. worked out the next day with the same thing and did the "plank' again and there was a little pulling/burning sensation again so i let up and just moved on..I didn't feel it any other time. Well I the next day (2 days after the first feeling).. I am sitting around and i really start to feel the burning sensation..like it twitches etc. Walked around at a fair with lots of aggravation..no bulges, knots, etc.. well I thought i was better but woke up the next day and the pain is now on the lower right side.. when i cough it burns..when I stand up to quick and straighten up it burns like the lower muscle is ripping away from my hip.. I can sit around..no problem.. Laying or pushing on it really doesn't hurt it. Just when I straighten up to fast.. lift something to quickly etc..it just burns and feels like it is ripping..once again. No bulges. I also feel really really bloated.. I have been on a diet, sticking to whole grains, turkey, chicken, beans and green veggies. I have regular bowel movements but not solid. I just find it odd that the bloated feeling along with the ripping burning sensation in the stomach all come about at once.
any help