For the last 3-4 days I have had swollen taste buds, kind of numbness at the tip of my tongue, my tongue in my throat are burning. I cannot hardly taste food. I do not have a temperature. I was treated for in upper respiratory infection 10 days ago. I was prescribed Levaquin & 10 mg tablet xs 2 per day prednisone. I have finished my entire rx s. (however, I am not completely well yet.) This was prescribed by Dr. on-demand. I have a follow-up appointment with my internist tomorrow. I would like to have your opinion as to what I can do about my mouth being so dry, burning, & swollen taste buds. I am really miserable right now. I stopped taking my Spariva because it burns my tongue. I stopped using my nebulizer, because it burns my tongue & throat. I have not used caffeine. I do not use any mouthwashes with alcohol. I chew sugar-free gum. I use sugar-free mints. I do not eat or drink anything with acid. I keep myself very hydrated. I tried using over-the-counter items such as Biotene products. Would you please help me.