Hello thank you for your question! Regarding your complains I would like to tell you that
chest pain and shortness of breathing are among the most common reasons that people meet their doctors, who schedule their differential diagnosis based on a careful complains history from the patients. Doctors try to ascertain the nature of pain and dyspnoea, their severity, factors triggering and aggravating their appearance, etc, and of course patients epidemiological status their past health history and vicious habits. As you are not giving for the moment any elements of your epidemiological status (age, sex, evidence of
smoking,etc) or past health history (
diabetes, past cardio-pulmonary problems,
hypertension,etc) and no specificity of your complains the only thing I recommend to you for the moment is to consult as soon as possible your GP or an internist, at least to exclude first any presence of the major chest pain syndromes.
Nevertheless I would like to give you some relief that statistically the majority (>50%) of the chest pain doesn't have a cardiac origin.
Hope to have been helpful. Best regards from Dr. Iliri