I am an 11 year hemodialysis patient treated with Sensipar and Hectorol, My doctor took me off of long term, 7 years, 90 mg. Sensipar, b/c my iPTH was 142. This is the second time he has done this for low PTH and I am really feeling horrid with chest and join pain, inability to breath and sore mouth and gums, nausea, constipation, and much brain fog. My lungs also feel like they are on fire, and I m virtually sleeping 18 hours a day. I can barely stay awake, even to the point of I feel like I m passing out. All these symptoms came about after the discontinuance of Sensipar. Are all these symptoms related to Sensipar discontinuance? I get my lab work tomorrow, but highly suspect extremely elevated phosphorous and calcium. I have with few exceptions maintained these at normal levels. Did abrupt cessation of the Sensipar cause this? Should I just lower the dose? I have no doctor or dietician available for a week.