hello madam
it's often challenging even for doctors to differentiate between cardiac vs non cardiac pain .
but character of pain certain tests can help physician to diagnose. In medical terms, the sensation of squeezing or pressure in the chest that is normally felt upon exertion is usually discussed as
angina that is stable. Angina is the more common symptom of disease of the coronary
artery which is a condition of the heart categorized by a supply of oxygenated blood that is reduced to the heart. If pain does not have the signs of angina that is typical, the individual is said to then be experiencing atypical pain in the chest. Typical
chest pain, which is triggered by physical exertion and is, felt beneath the breastbone, differs from atypical chest pain which might not be felt under the
sternum but may radiate to other areas. It is commonly believed that men are more prone to experience chest pain that is typical during a
heart attack than women. In cases of a heart attack that is typical, pain in the chest is experienced in the left side of the chest and normally radiates thru the left arm, shoulder, back and jaw. When the pain radiates to other areas and different symptoms are experienced, one is represented as having chest pain that is atypical.
hope I have answered your question
wishing you Good health.