Thanks for posting your query.
Chest pain could be due to problems in Heart , Lungs , Lung coverings (
Pleura ) , Muscular problems , Hyper acidity or Nerve compression at neck Level .
I need to know more about your chest pain to diagnose the cause .
1. Is the pain intermittent or continuous ?
2. What is the nature of pain ? Burning or Pricking or Squeezing ?
3. Does the pain increases on coughing or
sneezing or taking a deep breath ?
4. Does the pain increases on neck movements?
5. Is there any giddiness or breathing difficulty ?
Kindly let me know these details , as a normal ECG doesn't rules out heart problems .
You shall require further tests like Treadmill test , 2D Echo , Serum
Amylase , MRI
Cervical Spine . But I shall tailor these tests for even less tests if you can give me the details I asked for .
Kindly revert back .
Will be looking forward for your reply.