Hello Dr. Narasi, Somewhere between 3-6 months ago I began to have difficulty several, (approximately 4-5 times per day,) when I feel that I have to burp. For lack of a better definiton on my part I feel like the gas is trapped/stuck in my throat and I have a moderate degree of difficulty trying to swallow. (Attempts to force the gas out or try to swallow it both make me feel like I am choaking in addition to having a difficult time catching my breath.) In that I am just over 3yrs post gastric bypass, (at which time I also had my galbladder removed,) I have been takin 20mg Prilosec bid since the proceedures and therefore I have zero syptoms of Acid Reflux or G.E.R.D Approximately 1yr ago I developed an ulcer at the surgical site of the bypass for which I take Karafate bid. (I am always careful not to take both medications at the same time.) I would be most grateful for any information as to what may be causing this choaking, and very scarry feeling, when I attempt to burb.