Dear Sir, My daughter is 6.5 years old and she is suffering from cold, running nose and cough for the past two and half years. The cough is more at night and in the morning times. If she takes ice cream / cool drinks / using Mosquito mat, All out, coils, she gets affected by the cold & cough. She has got this problem since she joined her school. She was fine earlier till her third year. We have taken allopathic medicine for one and half years, but no use. We have consulted five pediatricians. They suggest, it is because of dust allergy / food allergy / allergy of using air conditioner / allergy of cold weather / allergy of citric fruits. What is the real problem? I don’t know the exact fact. I am afraid of using the allopathic medicine for long time due to its side effects. Now she is taking Siddha medicines for the past one year. Is it asthma / allergy / wheezing or any thing else? Will it be curable? Please help me. Thanks, Sundar.V