Thanks for writing to us. Followings are my comments:
1) The hood of the
clitoris contains glands that produce a lubricating fluid called sebum, allows the hood to move smoothly back and forth over the
glans and the shaft of the clitoris.
When sebum accumulates, it turns into a white, cheese-like substance called
smegma. If it is not washed away with frequent bathing, can harden and rub between the hood and the shaft, resulting an irritated clitoris that can produce incredible pain at the merest movement. Tight jeans or panty or pressure from sexual stimulation can be excruciating.
Accumulations of smegma can also cause the skin of the hood to adhere (stick) to the shaft and glans (similar to what can happen with a man who has foreskin). These clitoral adhesions can cause pain and irritation as well.
2) Frequent bathing and good hygiene can prevent or resolve this problem, but some women may have narrow openings to their clitoral hood that make it harder to wash away built-up secretions.
If she has recurrent episodes of clitoral pain, she may want to try soaking in a steamy tub and gently moving the skin around the clitoris back and away from the glans — don't tug or forcibly retract the hood since this can cause further pain and irritation. These gentle "stretches" can, over time, widen the opening of the hood, allowing more freedom of movement for both pleasure and washing.
Hope, it helps for your information. Good luck and take care.